We specialize in the production of Psyllium Husk / Ispaghula Husk, which is utilized as a bulk laxative. Our products are supplied to numerous esteemed pharmaceutical companies globally. Our dedication to delivering the highest quality products has driven us to obtain the most stringent system and product certifications. We have consistently strived to maintain the highest standards of quality, which has led to our reputation as a leading manufacturer and supplier of Psyllium Husk, Psyllium Kha-Kha Powder, and related products such as psyllium khakha powder. The vision of establishing the 'Jyotindra Group' in 1973 was driven by individuals with professionalism and foresight who were committed to making their dream a reality. The group, under the leadership of Mr. Jyotindra, has been synonymous with quality and excellence since its inception.
Products & Services
Jyotindra International
Jyotindra International